Storrs Pond Paintings on Permanent Display at Hanover Rec Center
We are pleased to share that Robin Nuse’s series of three scenes at Storrs Pond are now on permanent display at the Hanover Recreation Center in Hanover, NH. The three paintings are hung in their large meeting room, and well placed for optimal viewing. If you are at the Hanover Recreation Center, be sure to check them out!

Storrs Pond Triptych by Robin Nuse at Hanover Rec Center
Storrs Pond is a popular swimming and recreation area nestled in the forest a few minutes from downtown Hanover. Robin loved to go there with her son to spend a relaxing afternoon at the sandy beach and cool off in the fresh water. Her paintings capture the friendly atmosphere among the families at the beach, the serenity of the setting in the trees, and nostalgia for the endless days of summer.
Sitting here in February during this long COVID winter, these paintings remind us that life hasn’t always been this way, and summer and safe gatherings will come once again! Enjoy.